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Seminário PESC: Christiano Braga (UFF) 
Wednesday, 23 June 2021,  6:00 -  8:00

O Ciclo de Seminários PESC está de volta na próxima quarta com a tradicional palestra sobre os ganhadores do Prêmio Turing. Na ocasião, O Prof. Christiano Braga (UFF) vai apresentar e comentar as muitas e importantes contribuições de Alfred Aho e Jeffrey Ullman, um dos "golden braids" da Computação que receberam o Prêmio Turing 2020 (anunciado este ano). Se você não conhece o dragão, não perca mais tempo e assista a palestra!

Programe-se, participe e ajude na divulgação! 

Mais detalhes abaixo ou clicando aqui.





Christiano Braga, Professor Associado, Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF)



Aho & Ullman: An Eternal Golden Braid



23/06 (quarta) - 18h - Canal do PESC no YouTube



Douglas Hofstadter published a very nice book in 1979 named "Godel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid" where the author identified mathematical elements in the work of Godel, Escher, and Bach. In particular, self-reference.

The braid resulting from the combined work of Alfred Vaino Aho and Jeffrey David Ullman work is also golden. Together, and with no less important contributions from their supervisors, colleagues and former students, they paved the foundations of programming languages theory and practice, among other contributions. They have made mathematically precise fundamental elements of automata theory and languages together with algorithms in a rigorous method for compiler construction.

Aho & Ullman was and still is indeed a golden braid. The fact that they are the recipients of 2020 ACM Turing Award made it also eternal.

This talk is a tribute to their work. But also an acknowledgment for what they have done for Computer Science, and perhaps more importantly, for Computer Scientists, myself included, throughout the world.


Bio resumida:

Christiano Braga is currently Associate Professor of Computer Science at Instituto de Computação (Computing Institute) of Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF), leads the Theoretical Computer Science Research Group at the Computing Institute of UFF and is a member of FADoSS research group at Universidad Complutense de Madrid. He is also a collaborator of TecMF at PUC-Rio and TCS Co-Innovation Network partner.

He obtained his PhD. from Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro in 2001. During his PhD., he has been a visiting scholar at the Computer Science Laboratory of SRI International. He was a postdoc researcher at the Computer Science Department of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Computer Science Department of Swansea University, Facultad de Informática de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid and Informatics Department of Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro.

His main research interests are formal methods and semantics of programming languages. A large part of his research has Rewriting Logic as its underlying logical and semantic framework with the Maude system. The Maude MSOS Tool (MMT), developed together with Fabricio Chalub, is a good example, and so are BMaude and the Pi Framework.

