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Palestra de Michele Monacci (Univ. Pádova, It) no PESC
Quinta-feira, 13 Agosto 2015, 15:00 - 17:00

Palestra do Prof. Michele Monacci, a ser dada às 15 horas do dia 13/08/2015, quinta-feira, na sala H324-B  do Programa de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computação (PESC).

Título: Guillotine Constraints in Two-Dimensional Cutting and Packing

Michele é Professor Associado do Departamento de Engenharia da Informação da Universidade de Pádova, Itália, e publicou mais de 50 trabalhos em diversas áreas de Otimização Inteira e Combinatória, com especial ênfase em
problemas de corte e empacotamento. Da mesma forma participou de vários projetos aplicados desenvolvidos junto a empresas.

Michele estará concosco durante toda a tarde do dia 13/08/2015.

Resumo da palestra:
We consider the problem of cutting a given set of rectangular items from larger rectangular bins. Items must be cut with their edges parallel to the edges of the bin, and cannot be rotated. The resulting problem is known as the Two-Dimensional Bin Packing problem and finds several industrial applications in packing, cutting, transportation, telecommunications, ...
A relevant variant of the problem arises when one requires that each item can be obtained by a sequence of edge-to-edge cuts, i.e., the produced pattern should be guillotinable. In this talk, we provide a mathematical characterization of patterns that correspond to guillotine patterns; in addition, we consider the relation between the Two-Dimensional Bin Packing and its guillotine constrained version, both from a computational and from a theoretical viewpoint, at least for some special cases.



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