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CMS2016 - XIII Conference on Computational Management Science
Segunda-feira, 29 Fevereiro 2016



The organizers of CMS2016 have the great pleasure of inviting you to Salamanca (, Spain, 31 May - 2 June 2016, at a highly prestigious venue, see attachment. The venue of CMS2016 will be The Colegio Arzobispo Fonseca - Archbishop Fonseca College. ishop Fonseca College, - (also known as Colegio de los Irlandeses o de Santiago el Cedebeo) is a sixteenth century building declared Official Asset of Cultural Interest since 1931, valued as one of the best works of the Spanish Renaissance.


The CMS conference is an annual meeting associated with the journal of Computational Management Science published by Springer (see here the CMS2015 in Prague, The focus is on all computational aspects of management science: theoretical and empirical studies of computational methods, models and empirical analysis. These include computational economics, finance and statistics, energy, scheduling, supply chains, design, analysis and applications of optimization algorithms, deterministic, dynamic, stochastic, robust and combinatorial optimization models, solution algorithms, learning and forecasting such as neural networks and genetic algorithms, models and tools of knowledge acquisition, such as data mining, and all other topics in management science with the emphasis on computational paradigms.


This edition of the conference is co-organised by the Rey Juan Carlos University (Móstoles, Madrid)  and the EURO (The Association of European Operational Research Societies)  Working Group on Stochastic Programming.


A Student Best Paper Prize will be awarded at the CMS conference. The prize consists of a recognition diploma and 250 EUR. It also includes the possibility of publication in the journal of Computational Management Science. If you have good candidates please nominate them by sending an e-mail to info [at] The deadline for nominations is April 15th. Only registered participants' papers will be considered for the prize.


Important dates:

Deadline for abstract submission: February 29th, 2016
Acceptance date: March 18th, 2016
Registration deadline: May 1st , 2016


For more information about the conference (including a  list of plenary speakers, accommodation,  etc.) please visit the conference website listed at the beginning of this message. The pre-registration process is open.


CMS 2016 Organizing Committee


About Salamanca: Salamanca, pop 150000 (approx) is a nice city from the Castilla and Leon region, located in the north-west of Spain, It origins come back to the 7th century BC. Its university is the oldest one in Spain. The Universidad de Salamanca was created in 1218 by King Alfonso IX and it was the European one to use the title University, being awarded that title by King Alfonso X, el Sabio, dated 9 November 1252 and whose licentia ubique docendi was given by the Pope Alejandro IV in 1255". For centuries it seems that in Europe the saying was popular «Quod natura non dat, Salmantica non præstat». Anyway, Salamanca is a very nice quiet university city, and its old quarter is a treasure to preserve.


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