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Seminário: Model Based Requirements Engineering and Quality, Prof. João Araújo
Quarta-feira, 18 Novembro 2015, 11:00 - 13:00

O Ciclo de Seminários PESC está de volta com a presença do prof. João Araújo, da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal, que atua na área de Engenharia de Software. Em particular, ele trabalha no contexto do movimento conhecido por Model-Driven Engineering e na conexão com modelagem de requisitos de software. 

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Palestrante: João Araújo, Assistent Professor, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal

Título: Model Based Requirements Engineering and Quality

Dia/horário/local: Quarta, 18 de novembro, 11h, sala H-324B

Guaranteeing the use of expressive models for requirements elicitation and analysis are critical when adopting Requirements Engineering approaches. However, as a common challenge, they are still struggling when it comes to managing the quality of their models. In this talk, we discuss how to measure and analyze the quality of requirements models, in particular, goal and scenario models. Concerning goal modeling, the aim is to identify refactoring opportunities to improve the quality of those models with tool support. In the second part of this talk we evaluate and discuss the effort of using transformations in scenario based requirements models.

Bio resumida:
João Araújo is an assistant professor at the UNL and a full member of NOVA LINCS. He holds a PhD from Lancaster University, UK, both in the area of Software Engineering. His principal research interests are Requirements Engineering (RE), Advanced Modularity, Model-Driven Engineering (MDE), and Software Product Lines (SPL), where, he has published several papers on these topics in journals, international conferences, and workshops. He got the Most Influential Paper Award at AOSD-Modularity 2013 and the Best Paper Award at CAiSE 2014. Within these subjects he has also been involved in several projects, such as: AMPLE (funded by the European Union), Aspects for Space Domain (funded by ESA), SOFTAS and BATIC3S (both funded by FCT/MCTES in Portugal). He has served in the organization and program committees of several conferences such as RE, MoDELS, CAiSE, ICSE, ECOOP, AOSD. He has been a co-founder of the series of Early Aspects workshops and recently he has launched the series of workshops on model-driven RE (MoDRE) that has been held in RE conference since 2011. He is a co-General Chair of RE 2017 that will be held in Lisbon.



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