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Seminário: "Service-Driven Networks: Resource Sharing and the Future of the Wireless Access", Prof. Luiz A. DaSilva
Quarta-feira, 16 Dezembro 2015, 11:00 - 13:00

O Ciclo de Seminários PESC está de volta com a presença do prof. Luiz A. DaSilva, do Trinity College Dublin, Irlanda, que atua na área de Telecomunicações. 

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Palestrante: Luiz A. DaSilva, Professor of Telecommunications, Trinity College Dublin, Irlanda

Título: Service-Driven Networks: Resource Sharing and the Future of the Wireless Access

Dia/horário/local: Quarta, 16 de dezembro, 11h, sala H-324B

Wireless networks of the future will be characterised by heterogeneity of spectrum usage regimes, of resource ownership models, and of radio access technologies. In these networks, resources will be orchestrated to create bespoke virtual networks designed to best meet the needs of specific services. Sharing is a major enabler of such service-driven networks; it can come in the guise of joint ventures that hold the ownership of mobile network infrastructure, or bilateral agreements between operators, or, in the near future, more dynamic and flexible sharing mechanisms. This goes beyond opportunistic access to spectrum, and will also encopass the sharing of infrastructure, sensors, backhaul, processing, storage, etc. Ultimately, we envision the dynamic establishment of virtual networks from a pool of wireless resources from large and small operators, as well as crowdsourced from end users. These virtual wireless networks will be service-aware and built on a programmable network substrate, in response to a specific service need. This talk will outline our broad vision and discuss some results of our current studies of inter-operator infrastructure and spectrum sharing and its impact on network provisioning by operators and over-the-top service providers.

Bio resumida:
Luiz A. DaSilva holds the chair of Telecommunications at Trinity College Dublin. He is also a Research Professor in the Bradley Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Virginia Tech, USA. His research focuses on distributed and adaptive resource management in wireless networks, and in particular cognitive radio networks, dynamic spectrum access, and the application of game theory to wireless networks. Prof. DaSilva is a principal investigator on research projects funded by the National Science Foundation in the United States, the Science Foundation Ireland (SFI), and the European Commission. He is a co-principal investigator of CONNECT, the Telecommunications Research Centre in Ireland and holds a Principal Investigator grant from SFI. He also leads the new Horizon 2020 project FUTEBOL, which will establish wireless and optical network research infrastructure across Europe and Brazil He has co-authored two books on wireless communications and is currently an IEEE Communications Society Distinguished Lecturer.


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