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SBGames (Computing Track)
Sexta-feira, 20 Maio 2016


This is a kind reminder that the deadline for submitting a paper to SBGames (Computing Track) is a fortnight away.


The submission process is divided in TWO STEPS:

on 20th May you submit just an abstract for a broad evaluation;

on the 3rd of June you submit your complete paper (which can be a FULL or SHORT paper, depending on its the number of pages).


Please, do consider carefully submitting to SBGames.


SBGames is the Brazilian Symposium on Games and Digital Entertainment, the main (biggest and most prestigious) event on game research and development in Latin America.

It is promoted by the Brazilian Computer Society (SBC) and supported by the Brazilian Electronic Game Development Companies Association (ABRAGAMES).

The aim of this annual symposium is to bring together educators from all levels, students, artists and designers, along with academic researchers,

game makers and industry professionals to foster collaboration and the exchange of ideas.

SBGames will be hold in São Paulo, Brazil, this year.


Papers should be submitted electronically through JEMS (

Submissions will be subjected to a double blind review.

For more details on the submissions for the Computing Track, please refer to :


For more details on the event and other tracks, please refer to:


Hope to see you in São Paulo ...



Deadline for ABSTRACT submissions: 20th May 2016

Deadline for COMPLETE submissions (either FULL or SHORT): 03rd June 2016

Notification for accepted papers: 04th July 2016

Deadline for camera-ready: 11th July 2016



Chair: Marcelo da Silva Hounsell, B.Eng., M.Eng., PhD (UDESC, Brazil)

Vice-Chair: Flávio Soares Correa da Silva, B.Eng., M.Eng., PhD (USP, Brazil)


SBGames 2016:

General Chair: Ricardo Nakamura, B.Eng., M.Eng., Dr. (USP, Brazil)

Program Committee General Chair: Luciano Pereira Soares B.Eng., Dr. (INSPER, Brazil)



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