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Palestra de Arun Venkataramani da UMASS, no PESC
Segunda-feira, 29 Agosto 2016, 10:00 - 12:00

O professor Arun Venkataramani da UMASS vai proferir uma palestra no PESC, dia 29/08, às 10 horas na sala H324-B. Mais detalhes a abaixo,




Título: Dispersable computing for massively geo-distributed cloud services


In this talk, I will first describe gigapaxos, a novel distributed system for dispersable computation, i.e., computation whose placement can be easily reconfigured across a very large and diverse set of machines. gigapaxos achieves this goal by scaling consensus, a central function in practically all distributed computing to many millions of instances on commodity machines compared to hundreds with state-of-the-art industry systems. Then, I will explain how this technology drives the core of the global name service (GNS) in MobilityFirst, a next-generation Internet architecture designed with intrinsic support for seamless mobility and trustworthiness as founding design goals. I will end with a short hands-on tutorial on using gigapaxos and the GNS to build novel apps on your own, and more broadly on tips on getting involved in contributing to open-source development efforts including but not limited to the ongoing MobilityFirst community effort.


Short Bio:

Arun Venkataramani is currently an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. He completed his PhD in Computer Sciences at the University of Texas at Austin in 2004 and subsequently joined UMass Amherst by way of a Visiting Faculty appointment at the University of Washington. He received his bachelor's degree in Computer Science and Engineering at IIT Bombay in 1999. His research interests are in networked and distributed systems and his current research focuses on mobile and wireless systems, content distribition, Internet architecture, and network security. He is a recipient of an NSF CAREER award and his work has received several best paper awards at venues including USENIX NSDI and ACM CoNEXT. 


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