Calendário de Eventos
Padova, June 5-8 2017
General Information
The Fourteenth International Conference on Integration of Artificial Intelligence and Operations Research Techniques in Constraint Programming will be held in Padova, Italy, June 5 - 8, 2017, with a Master Class on "Computation Techniques for Combinatorial Optimization" on June 5, and the Main Conference on June 6 - 8, 2017.
The aim of the conference is to bring together interested researchers from Constraint Programming (CP), Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Operations Research (OR) to present new techniques or applications in combinatorial optimization and to provide an opportunity for researchers in one area to learn about techniques in the others.
A main objective of this conference series is also to give these researchers the opportunity to show how the integration of techniques from different fields can lead to interesting results on large and complex problems.
Therefore papers that actively combine, integrate, or contrast approaches from more than one of the areas are especially solicited. High quality papers from a single area are also welcome, provided that they are of interest to other communities involved. Application papers showcasing CP/AI/OR techniques on novel and challenging applications or experience reports on such applications are strongly encouraged.
The program committee invites submissions that include but are not limited to the following topics:
* Inference and relaxation methods: constraint propagation, cutting planes, global constraints, graph algorithms, dynamic programming, Lagrangian and convex relaxations, heuristic functions based on relaxations.
* Search methods: branch and bound, intelligent backtracking, incomplete search, randomized search, portfolios, column generation, Benders decomposition or any other decomposition methods, local search and meta-heuristics
* Integration of machine learning and optimization: learning-based search and heuristics, use of predictive models in optimization, constraint acquisition, optimization for training machine learning models
* Integration methods: solver communication, model transformations and solver selection, parallel and distributed resolution techniques, models, and solvers.
* Modeling methods: comparison of models, symmetry breaking, uncertainty, dominance relationships.
* Innovative Applications of CP/AI/OR techniques.
* Implementation of CP/AI/OR techniques and optimization systems.
More information is available on the conference web site:
Important Dates
* Abstract submission deadline: 14 Nov
* Paper submission deadline: 21 Nov
* Rebuttal period: 20-23
* Final notification: 16 Jan
* Camera-ready version: 31 Jan (provisional deadline)
Submission process and formats
Paper submissions are of two types:
* Long papers (15 pages, plus references)
* Short papers (8 pages, plus references)
The conference proceedings will be published on the LNCS series.
Additionally, outstanding submissions to the technical program will be offered the opportunity to be published exclusively through a "fast track" process in the "Constraint" Journal. Journal fast track paper will still be regularly presented at the conference.
All papers are to be submitted electronically in PDF format via easychair:
Authors should follow the submission instructions on the conference website. In the particular, they should comply with the required format (LNCS style) and page limits.
For any queries on the submission process, please contact the program chairs at and
* Program chairs:
- Domenico Salvagnin (UNIPD),
- Michele Lombardi (UNIBO),
* Conference chair:
- Domenico Salvagnin (UNIPD),
* Program Committee (confirmations received so far):
- Chris Beck, University of Toronto
- David Bergman, University of Connecticut
- Timo Berthold, Fair Isaac Germany
- Hadrien Cambazard, Grenoble INP
- Andre A. Cire, University of Toronto
- Matteo Fischetti, University of Padova
- Bernard Gendron, Universite de Montreal
- Ambros Gleixner, Zuse Institute Berlin (ZIB)
- Carla Gomes, Cornell University
- Tias Guns, KU Leuven
- John Hooker, Tepper School of Business, Carnegie Mellon University
- Matti Jarvisalo, University of Helsinki
- Jeff Linderoth, University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Andrea Lodi, Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal
- Ines Lynce, Instituto Superior Tecnico, Lisboa
- Laurent Michel, University of Connecticut
- Michele Monaci, University of Bologna
- Siegfried Nijssen, Leiden University
- Barry O'Sullivan, University College Cork, Insight center
- Claude-Guy Quimper, Universite Laval
- Jean-Charles Regin, Universite de Nice-Sophia Antipolis
- Louis-Martin Rousseau, Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal
- Ashish Sabharwal, Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence
- Scott Sanner, University of Toronto
- Pierre Schaus, UC Louvain
- Christian Schulte, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
- Helmut Simonis, University College Cork
- Christine Solnon, INSA Lyon
- Peter-J. Stuckey, University of Melbourne
- Michael Trick, Carnegie Mellon University
- Pascal Van-Hentenryck, University of Michigan
- Willem-Jan van Hoeve, Tepper School of Business, Carnegie Mellon University
- Sicco Verwer, Delft University of Technology
- Yingqian Zhang, TU Eindoven