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Seminário: Chris Clifton (Purdue Univ)
Segunda-feira, 07 Novembro 2016, 11:00 - 13:00

Palestra do prof. Chris Clifton (Purdue Univ) no Ciclo de Seminários PESC. 


Clifton vem ao Brasil para participar como palestrante internacional do SBSeg 2016. O tema de sua palestra no PESC será bem interessante, pois trata da discriminação de minorias inerente em muitos algoritmos que rodam em "Big Data". Como evitar que os algoritmos comecem a descriminar contra grupos de pessoas sub-representados? 


O prof. Clifton tem interesse em conhecer alunos e professores logo após a palestra. 


Programe-se, participe, e ajude na divulgação! 


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Christopher W. Clifton, Professor, Purdue University, EUA



Dealing with Discriminatory Data Mining



Segunda, 7 de novembro, 11h, sala H-324B



There is growing evidence that algorithms running on "Big Data" can lead to outcomes that are biased against underrepresented groups. This is in spite of the fact that such group information (race, gender, religion, etc.) is not used by the algorithms. This talk will discuss some of the issues, pointing out evidence, and hypothesize causes. We will then look at one solution, based on adapting a Bayesian network classifier to reduce disparate impact on groups that are treated "differently" by the originally learned classifier.


This talk is based on work with Koray Mancuhan that appeared in Artificial Intelligence and Law (2014) 22:211-238.


Short bio:

Dr. Clifton is a Professor of Computer Science at Purdue University. He works on data privacy, particularly with respect to analysis of private data. From 2013-2015, Dr. Clifton served as a program director at the National Science Foundation.  Prior to joining Purdue in 2001, he was a principal scientist in the Information Technology Division at the MITRE Corporation. Before joining MITRE in 1995, he was an assistant professor of computer science at Northwestern University.

Local Sala H-324B


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