Calendário de Eventos
An Interdisciplinary Conference: Deep Learning, Optimization and Big Data without Borders
Certosa di Pontignano (Siena) Tuscany, September 10-13, 2019
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The International Conference on Machine Learning, Optimization, and Data Science (LOD) has established itself as a premier interdisciplinary conference in machine learning, computational optimization, knowledge discovery and data science. It provides an international forum for presentation of original multidisciplinary research results, as well as exchange and dissemination of innovative and practical development experiences.
LOD 2019 will be held in Certosa di Pontignano (Siena) – Tuscany, Italy, from September 10 to 13, 2019.
The conference will consist of four days of conference sessions. We invite submissions of papers on all topics related to Machine learning, Optimization, Knowledge Discovery and Data Science including real-world applications for the Conference Proceedings by Springer – Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS).
LOD uses the formula of 30 minutes presentations for fruitful exchanges between authors and participants.
Submission deadline: March 31, 2019
Any questions regarding the submission process can be sent to conference organizers: Este endereço de email está sendo protegido de spambots. Você precisa do JavaScript ativado para vê-lo.
* Michael Bronstein, Imperial College London, UK
Talk: TBA
Topics: Deep Learning on Graphs and Manifolds
* Marco Gori, University of Siena, Italy
Talk: TBA
Topics: Constraint-Based Approaches to Machine Learning
* Arthur Gretton, UCL, UK
Talk: TBA
Topics: Kernel Methods to Reveal Properties and Relations in Data
* Arthur Guez Google DeepMind, London, UK
Talk: TBA
Topics: General Reinforcement Learning Algorithms
* Kaisa Miettinen, University of Jyväskylä, Finland
Talk: TBA
Topics: Multiobjective Optimization & Decision Analytics
* Jan Peters, Technische Universitaet Darmstadt
Talk: Machine Learning of Robot Skills
* Mauricio Resende, Amazon, USA
Talk: TBA
Topics: Combinatorial Optimization & Heuristics
* Richard E. Turner, University of Cambridge, UK
Talk: TBA
Topics: Gaussian Processes & Computer Perception
LOD 2019 Best Paper Award
Springer sponsors the LOD 2019 Best Paper Award with a cash prize of EUR 1,000.
The Award will be conferred at the conference on the authors of the best paper award.
Topics of Interest
The last five-year period has seen an impressive revolution in the theory and application of machine learning, optimization and big data.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
* Deep Learning
* Reinforcement Learning
* Deep NeuroEvolution
* Multi-Objective Optimization
* Foundations, algorithms, models and theory of data science, including big data mining.
* Machine learning and statistical methods for big data.
* Machine Learning algorithms and models. Neural Networks and Learning Systems. Convolutional neural networks.
* Unsupervised, semi-supervised, and supervised Learning.
* Knowledge Discovery. Learning Representations. Representation learning for planning and reinforcement learning.
* Metric learning and kernel learning. Sparse coding and dimensionality expansion. Hierarchical models. Learning representations of outputs or states.
* Multi-objective optimization. Optimization and Game Theory. Surrogate-assisted Optimization. Derivative-free Optimization.
* Big data Mining from heterogeneous data sources, including text, semi-structured, spatio-temporal, streaming, graph, web, and multimedia data.
* Big Data mining systems and platforms, and their efficiency, scalability, security and privacy.
* Computational optimization. Optimization for representation learning. Optimization under Uncertainty
* Optimization algorithms for Real World Applications. Optimization for Big Data. Optimization and Machine Learning.
* Implementation issues, parallelization, software platforms, hardware
* Big Data mining for modeling, visualization, personalization, and recommendation.
* Big Data mining for cyber-physical systems and complex, time-evolving networks.
* Applications in social sciences, physical sciences, engineering, life sciences, web, marketing, finance, precision medicine, health informatics, medicine and other domains.
We particularly encourage submissions in emerging topics of high importance such as data quality, advanced deep learning, time-evolving networks, large multi-objective optimization, quantum discrete optimization, learning representations, big data mining and analytics, cyber-physical systems, heterogeneous data integration and mining, autonomous decision and adaptive control.
Call for Papers:
Submission deadline: March 31, 2019
See you in Siena!
LOD 2019 Organizing Committee.
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