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Seminário PESC: João P. Vilela (univ. do Porto)
Quarta-feira, 30 Agosto 2023, 11:00 - 13:00
Pesquisas e Oportunidades de Colaboração com o Departamento de Computação da Universidade do Porto
Palestrante: João P. Vilela (Univ. do Porto) 
Dia 30/08 (quarta-feira), 11 horas, Sala H-324B.
Transmissão ao vivo no Canal do PESC no YouTube.
A presentation about the University of Porto and DCC-FCUP, for both faculty members as well as students at UFRJ. The goal is to disseminate information about the University of Porto, and the several degrees offered by DCC-FCUP, as well as its research areas. I will present the research areas and selected projects of DCC-FCUP as well as my own research work on security and privacy with the goal of disseminating the research performed at DCC-FCUP and identifying synergies with UFRJ from a research perspective. The presentation will be followed by Q&A and interactions with faculty and students. I will also be available for more focused discussions in the afternoon to interested faculty and students.
Short Bio
João P. Vilela is a professor at the Department of Computer Science of the University of Porto and a senior researcher at INESC TEC and CISUC. He was previously a professor at the Department of Informatics Engineering of the University of Coimbra, after receiving the Ph.D. in Computer Science in 2011 from the University of Porto, Portugal. He was a visiting researcher at Georgia Tech, working on physical-layer security, and at MIT, working on security for network coding. In recent years, Dr. Vilela has been coordinator and team member of several national, bilateral, and European-funded projects in security and privacy. His main research interests are in security and privacy of computer and communication systems, with applications such as wireless networks, Internet of Things and mobile devices. Specific research topics include wireless physical-layer security, security of next-generation networks, privacy-preserving data mining, location privacy and automated privacy protection.


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