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Seminário PESC: Christophe Kolski (LAMIH/UPHF)
Quarta-feira, 08 Novembro 2023, 11:00 - 13:00

Human-Centered Design Involving People with Disabilities: A Few Research Avenues Based on Methodological Considerations
Prof. Christophe Kolski (LAMIH/UPHF)

Human-Centered Design Involving People with Disabilities: A Few Research Avenues Based on Methodological Considerations
Prof. Christophe Kolski (Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France)
Dia 08/11 (quarta-feira), 11 horas, Sala H-324B.

Transmissão ao vivo no Canal do PESC no YouTube.
User-centered design processes are becoming increasingly popular. They encourage user involvement at all project stages, or at least in part. Numerous methods are available for this purpose, including requirements analysis, participatory design, and evaluation. Some of them facilitate ideation, which is useful in innovative projects. However, they are generic and must be adapted when involving users with categorized disabilities and special needs. Particularly where users have communication disorders, alternative approaches are possible or at least need to be explored, mainly focused on the involvement of members of the ecosystem of users with disabilities. Then, representative examples of method adaptations from different projects and a possible approach to raising awareness of disability in the workplace will be described.
Short Bio
Christophe Kolski is a full professor in Computer Science at the Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France, Valenciennes, France. He teaches software engineering and human-computer interaction to bachelor and master students in computer science and INSA engineering students. He is the current Deputy Director of the Computer Science (CS) Department of LAMIH (Laboratory of Industrial and Human Automation Control, Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science). His specializations include human-computer interaction, software engineering for interactive systems, intelligent interface design, tangible interaction, and distributed user interfaces; several application domains are particularly considered: transport and mobility, healthcare and disability, and supervision. He has been involved with the chairing of CADUI'2002, IHM'2003, ERGO-IA'2006, IHM’2017, and RoCHI’2022 conferences, supervised or co-supervised 37 doctoral dissertations (several are in progress) and authored books, and nearly 100 articles in international and national journals, and many communications in conferences.


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