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O Prof. Nelson Maculan (PESC) foi um dos Keynote Speaker da International Conference on Applied Mathematics (ICAM-2024), que foi realizada dias 27 e 28 de junho de 2024.

A ICAM-2024 foi organizada, de modo híbrido, pelo Department of Applied da Vidyasagar University - Paschim Midnapore, West Bengal, India.

O Prof. Maculan fez sua apresentação no dia 27/06 com o tema Optimization Models for the Euclidean Steiner Tree Problem in n-Dimensions, sendo Chair da sessão o Prof. Bibhas Chandra Giri, Dept. of Mathematics, Jadavpur University.

In this talk, we review the mathematical optimization models for the Euclidean Steiner Tree Problem (ESTP) in n dimensions proposed in the literature. The development of such models for the ESTP began in the late 1990s. The ESTP is a mixed integer nonlinear optimization problem with a history dating back to the 17th century. Several properties of its optimal solutions are well known, but it is still a big challenge to encode these properties in its modeling, aiming for its numerical resolution with branch-and-bound algorithms. We identify some of the difficulties and present the modeling techniques used in the literature to overcome them.

Parabéns Prof. Maculan por mais esta palestra!


Publicado em 26/07/2024.

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